March |
April |
Progress on the Great Blue Heron:
March |
April |
Aigrettes are complete, and a little more of the neck filled in. I am tweaking the backstitching as I go, to make the lines a little smoother.
Have had to restart one of my Turtle Trot projects. The "Larissa" bracelet became damaged and I've started again, even making some changes to the colours to make the knotwork pattern stand out a little better.
Speaking of Big Awesome Projects, this month I have been helping a friend with one of a different kind: preparing for her wedding. It is amazing what this lady is doing with a shoestring budget and a bit of time. All the flowers and decorations are being prepared by her and I, she is printing the paperwork herself from originals I calligraph, favours and guestbook of course, and so on. We scoured consignment and secondhand shops for clothes for months, knowing that we could make the dresses and suits if we have to. Her favourite approach is to go through all sorts of books, sites, and pictures, combining different details she likes and then turning to me and saying: "sure we can do that!" Usually she's right! It means a lot of hours puzzling out exactly how, and it's a grand lot of fun.
May your needles be ever ready and your colours never run.
Great progress on both of your pieces this past month especially with the busy schedule that it sounds like you are having. What memories you and your friend will have on preparing for her wedding. Happy Stitching!