Thursday, 9 January 2014

Turtle Trot 2014 Projects

Joining in BAP Attack's Turtle Trot 2014, and posting 10 pieces of needlework to work on in 2014.  These are fairly evenly divided between new starts and works in  progress.

In no particular order of preference:

"Chivalry Sampler" from "Mythical Moments" Stoney Creek Collection #125, on off-white 18ct aida. Adapting this as a wedding record.

"Bird Song" table runner by Carol Pederson, on 32 ct linen

"Dragon" from "Mythical Moments" Stoney Creek Collection #125, on off-white 18ct aida.  This is take two - lost the first effort while traveling, after 6 months of work, when almost 2/3 complete

"Larissa" bracelet, custom design from Heronries Needlework, on white 22 ct hardanger (2 over1) with silver findings.  Finishing this one should be interesting!

```Rest```by Wendy Jones from artwork by Kayomi, on cream 18 ct aida

 "Leopard" cushion from Cats of the World in Cross Stitch by Jayne Netley Mayhew and Nicki Wheeler, on 18 ct aida

"The Rose of Sharon" by Nora Corbett for Mirabilia

"Great Blue Heron" by Paula Minkelbize for Crossed Wing Collection, #34, on pewter 25 ct lugana linen

"Unicorn" by Jan Brett, on summer sky 28 ct linen

 Last but not least, a pieced embroidered quilt with Dancing Bunnies, from " Ballerina Bunnies Alphabet".  Each block is off-white 14 ct aida

1 comment:

  1. I love the projects you've chosen, and I double love how you're reclaiming your joy of self and stitching! I look forward to seeing your progress!
